Saturday, January 25, 2020
The Effectiveness Of Methods To Control Microorganisms Health Essay
The Effectiveness Of Methods To Control Microorganisms Health Essay In the following assignment I will discuss the effectiveness of methods to control microorganisms in particular I will highlight the methods such as temperature, Immunisations and antibodies. Temperature is a huge factor in the growth of microorganisms along with food supply, pH levels and time. Refrigeration and freezing play a role together in the growth of bacteria in foods. Freezing foods at low temperatures merely leaves large amounts of microorganisms dormant by being unactive which is an effective method of controlling the spread of the microbes but not in the eradication of the microorganisms. As the temperature increases the microorganisms become active and spread which can lead to illness. The types of bacteria found in refrigerated foods are pathogenic bacteria and spoilage bacteria, such as salmonella, listeria, E.coli O157. these bacteria are present in large amounts of foods which have been repeatedly frozen again. Certain foods have different shelf lives to others because of this certain foods have to be frozen before the use by date for availability of consumption. A refrigerator is an effective method for the control of microorganisms. Effectiveness of controlling microorganisms by freezing/refrigeration is visibly present as spoilage bacteria turns foods off, changing colour, fungi growth, they release bad odours and by freezing foods/refrigeration it lets foods be available for consumption for longer periods of time. There are over a million cases of food poisoning each year, 20,000 hospitalisations and 500 deaths. This rate is slowly decreasing in the U.K. This costs the economy  £1.5 billion each year (Micbo 2012). In Northern Ireland and Scotland the risk of food poisoning from local food stores and food outlets was increasing at an alarming rate. The Food Standard Agency devised a plan to introduce a scheme of rating every food outlet and provider with a score from 1-5 on their business when it is inspected by a food safety officer from the businesss local authority. The hygiene rating shows how closely the business is meeting the requirements of food hygiene law (The Food Standards Act 1999). (FSA 2012) Th is scheme along with food hygiene legislation greatly decreases the rate of microorganisms growing and it is a great way that shows that when the rules are followed correctly the methods are effective in controlling microorganisms. An autoclave is a machine which operates highly pressurised steam, this is known as sterilisation. Sterilisation is the most effective method of controlling microorganisms. Due to autoclaves being used in a large scoop of practise, every practise has their own set of guidelines in the use of autoclaves. With further research I have concluded that the majority of autoclaves based on the University of Cardiffs research guidelines preform at the same capacity i.e. correct autoclaving will result in a 100% kill rate. It should therefore be the first choice method (wherever practicable) both wild-type and genetically modified micro-organisms. (UOC2012). With this information I can concluded that the use of autoclaves for example within a hospital or dental care practise is different to a lab environment autoclave. This means that autoclaves in hospitals and dental care practises come into contact with a range of different microorganisms and it is these microorganisms that spread disease. In do so some microorganisms have adapted and modified to insure survival such as prions, these prions do not eradicate at normal pressurised temperatures such as the typical 134  °C for three minutes or 121  °C for 15 minutes. The overall effectiveness in controlling microorganisms with the use of an autoclave is still considered to be the best method. Due to the factor of small amounts of prions still alive after autoclave it poses major concerns with infection control policies. Immunisations are one of the greatest achievements of medicine and it has saved millions of lives that have been spared from diseases. Immunisations can prevent diseases such as measles, mumps, rubella and a wider list ranging from anthrax to yellow fever. (DOH2012)(NHS,1.2012) Measles, mumps and rubella known as MMR our infectious diseases. Since the introduction of the MMR vaccination in 1998 the number of children who develop the disease has fallen to a relatively low number. The MMR vaccine works by activating parts of the immune system to produce antibodies against MMR. If you come into contact with one of the diseases your immune system will produce antibodies to fight against it or them. According to BUPA UK after the first dose of the MMR vaccine, 64 out of 100 people will be protected against mumps, 90 out of 100 people will be protected against measles and 95 out of 100 people will be protected against rubella. After the second dose, 99 out of 100 people will be protected against all three illnesses. (Bupa2012) Controversy over the effectiveness of the MMR vaccine and its side effects caused by the published findings by Dr Andrew Wakefield in 1998 caused a huge number of people not receiving their children vaccinated against MMR. His published findings showed a strong link between the MMR vaccine and autism and bowl disease. An investigation of the published findings showed that by Dr Andrew Wakefield used controlled tests with selected individuals in which he based his findings on. This was a huge error in his findings which proved that Dr Andrew Wakefield findings where wrong but because these findings were published they caused panic for the public. MMR still has a foothold in the United Kingdom and across Europe and it hasnt been totally eradicated like the infectious disease called smallpox. The Department of Health along with the General Medical Council state that Over 90% of individuals will seroconvert to measles, mumps and rubella antibodies after the first dose of the MMR vaccines currently used in the UK (DOH2010) which shows that it is a highly effective method. The Antibiotic was first discovered in 1928, the first antibiotic was called penicillin by Andrew Fleming. Penicillin is used to treat infections caused by bacteria. Over time these bacteria have become multi-resistant to antibiotics with the abuse of antibodies which create new strains of bacteria known as super bugs such as (MRSA) Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and (TB) Tuberculosis. According to the Northern Ireland Strategic and Research Agency (2012) the number of deaths with Staphylococcus aureus or MRSA mentioned and recorded as the underlying cause on the death certificate by registration year, 2001-2011 with All Staphylococcus aureus at a percentage of 35% and MRSA with a percentage of 31%. Compared to 2001 All Staphylococcus aureus where at a percentage of 52% and MRSA at a percentage of 44% (NISRA2012). These findings show that the mortality rate for all Staphylococcus aureus and MRSA in Northern Ireland is on the decline due to infection control policies, ant ibiotic administration policies and proper use of antibiotics. Therefore antibodies are extremely effective method for the control of microorganisms when used correctly in accordance with your doctor and policies (NICE 2012). Reference Section (Bupa2012) Bupa Information Resource website (2012) On how effective is the MMR vaccine? [Accessed Online] Available from (Date Accessed: 23/11/12) (DOH2012) (NHS,1) Department of Health website NHS Choices website (2012) Immunisation facts [Accessed Online] Available from (Date Accessed: 23/11/12) Department of Health (2010) and General Medical Council (2010) / NHS Publications of Immunisations statistics from 2009-10 with the present. [Accessed Online] Available from (Date Accessed: 23/11/12) FSA 2012) Food Standards Agency. Food Safety Week statistics.*(2012.) [Accessed Online] Available from (Date Accessed: 23/11/12) (FSA 2012) Food Standards Agency. Food Standard Hygiene Act 1999 [Accessed Online] Available from (Date Accessed: 23/11/12) (NICE2012) National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence Infection: prevention and control of healthcare-associated infections in primary and community care (2012) [Accessed Online] Available from (Date Accessed: 23/11/12) (NISRA2012) Northern Ireland Strategic and Research Agency (2012) [Accessed Online] (Date Accessed: 23/11/12) (Micbo2012) Microbiology Online [Accessed Online] Available from (Date Accessed: 23/11/12) (UOC2012) University of Cardiff evidence based research on the OSHEU Autoclave Guidance Online Document effectiveness of the autoclave [Accessed Online] Available from (Date Accessed 23/11/12)
Friday, January 17, 2020
Oil and Gas Accounting Essay
If operation is conducted under Lease or concession agreement, it is unlikely that the contract would contain provisions that would permit cost recovery of these costs If the operation is conducted under a psc or risk service agreement, the contractor may be permitted to recover G&G related expenditures incurred after license acquisition and possibly G&G costs incurred before license acquisition Support equipment and facilities Cost of acquiring support equipment and facilities should be capitalized Any related depreciation or operating costs become an exploration, development or production cost, as appropriate. Entries: Db G&G expense –depreciation Cr Accumulated Depreciation Db G&G expense-operating costs Cr Cash Reprocessing Seismic How to account for cost of re-evaluation or reprocessing of the data? If the reprocessing relates to the search for oil then it should be accounted for according to SE provisions regarding prospecting and nondrilling exploration costs. If the purpose is to determine how best to develop the reserves in the field, then they should be capitalized as development costs. License acquisition costs Costs of evaluating business environment, signature bonus, negotiating, etc should be capitalized Entry: Db Intangible assets-unproved property Cr Cash Development and production bonuses If the payment is actually a deferred signing bonus, the appropriate accounting treatment is to capitalize the development bonus as a license acquisition cost. Accrue once the operations are apparently proceeding to the development phase. Entries: To record signature bonus: Db Intangible Assets – unproved property Cr Cash To transfer unproved property costs to proved due to commercial discovery: Db Proved property Cr unproved property To record accrual of production bonus: Proved property Cr production bonus payable To record payment of production bonus: Db Production bonus payable Cr Cash Internal costs relating to acquisition Can allocate capitalized costs to individual licenses acquired, on an acreage basis or an a potential licenses basis Costs of carrying and retaining unproved properties Costs relating to maintaining unproved properties be charged to expense as incurred Ex: delay rentals paid on lease mineral properties until specified work is commenced, property taxes, accounting costs, legal costs Impairment of unproved property Impairment has occurred if there is some indication that the capitalized cost of an unproved property is greater than the future economic benefits expected to be derived from the property. Under SE, loss should be realized. Negative G&G data and dry holes would typically suggest that part of the property’s historical cost has expired and impairment should be recognized Db Impairment expense Cr Allowance for impairment FASB permits impairment of individually insignificant properties on a group basis. Apply the impairment percentage to the total cost of the group of individually insignificant unproved properties. This determines the desired balance in the allowance for impairment account. Next the difference between the current balance and the desired balance is recognized as impairment expense. Entry: Impairment Expense Cr Allowance for impairment, group basis Abandonment of unproved property Full abandonment: When an individually significant license area is abandoned, its net capitalized acquisition costs should be charged to surrender and abandonment expense Ex: Db Surrender and abandonment expense (equal to acquisition cost) Db Allowance for impairment (balance) Cr unproved property Partial Abandonment or Relinquishments If the partial abandonment reflects a diminishment in the company’s assessment of the future economic benefit of the property, then the entire property should be assessed for additional impairment. Unproved property classification An unproved property should be reclassified to a proved property status if and when commercial reserves are discovered on the property. Ex: Db Tangible Assets- proved property (acquisition costs) Db Impairment Allowance (balance) Cr In tangible assets- unproved property Sales of unproved property If the property was individually significant, a gain or loss should be recognized on the sale. Ex: Db Cash (sale price) Db allowance for impairment (balance) Db/Cr(gain or loss) Cr unproved property If the property was individually insignificant, a gain should be recognized only if the selling price exceeds the original cost of the property. Loss recognition is not allowed. CHAPTER 5 Accounting for Exploratory Drilling and Appraisal Costs Under SE, general nondrilling exploratory costs are to be charged to expense as incurred; exploratory drilling type costs are initially capitalized. Exploratory Well- well drilled to find and produce oil or gas in an unproved area to find a new reservoir in a another reservoir or to extend a known reservoir. Stratigraphic test well- drilling effort to obtain information pertaining to a specific geological condition. â€Å"Exploratory type†if drilled in a proved area, â€Å"development type†if drilled in a proved area. Exploration well- well drilled to discover whether oil or gas exists in a previously unproved geological structure Appraisal well- well drill to determine the size, characteristics, and commercial potential of a reservoir by digging an exploratory well. Classifying Drilling costs Separate intangible drilling costs (IDC) from equipment costs. IDC deducted in year incurred for US tax law. Equipment costs may be depreciated over 7-10 years. Besides tax purposes, distinction has no significance Targeted Depth When evaluating after drilling : if commercial reserves have been discovered, the drilling in progress account balances are transferred to another type of asset account that will be subject to depreciation The first successful exploratory well’s cost will be reclassified from an unproved to a proved property account If well is unsuccessful, plug and abandon hole and charges these costs to dry hole expense, net any equipment salvaged from well. If the license area is also relinquished, the net carrying value must be written off. Capitalized G&G SE- G&G costs are to be charged to expense as incurred. Current methods may capitalize 3D and 4D seismic methods used to determine drill sites. Time Limit on exploration and evaluation or appraisal costs In order for cost to be capitalized in SE, there must be identifiable future benefit. IF an exploratory wwell has found oil reserves in an area requiring major capital expenditure to be classified as proved. In this case, the cost of drilling the exploratory well shall continue to be carried as an asset as long as 1. The well has found a sufficient quantity of reserves to justify its completion and 2. Drilling of the additional wells is under way or planned for the near future All other wells, sshall not be carried as an asset for more than one year following completion of drilling Post-balance Sheet Period GAAP provisions that relate to information about conditions that existed at the balance sheet date or that became known after the end of the period but before the financial statements are issued. If well is determined dry, capitalized costs are written off to dry hole expense If commercial reserves are found, the capitalized drilling costs are transferred to the wells and equipment accounts All the capitalized costs of an exploratory well are typically reclassified as dry hole expense or as wells and related equipment Cost approval, budget and monitoring AFE- Authorization for expenditure CHAPTER 6 Drilling And Development Costs- US SE Development costs- costs incurred to obtain access to proved reserves and to provide facilities for extracting, treating, gathering and storing the oil and gas. More specifically, development costs, including depreciation and applicable operating costs of support equipment and facilities and other costs incurred to: Gain access to and prepare well locations for drilling, including surveying, draining, road building, etc Drill and equip developmental wells, including costs of platforms Acquire, construct and install production facilities such as lease flow lines, separators, etc Provide improved recovery systems Development well- well drilled within the proved area of an oil or gas reservoir to the depth of a stratigraphic horizon known to be productive Service well- completed for the purpose of supporting production in an existing field. Development type stratigraphic well- stratigraphic test well drilled in a proved area Capitalization of Development-Related G&G Exploration Costs Requires capitalization of G&G in development activities. Unless it is performed on a development land area but to an unknown structure- expensed. If 3d seismic is being used to study the reservoir and perhaps where addition development wells should be drilled, theoretically the cost should be capitalized to the field as development cost. Overhead As a general rule, all G&A is expensed, however where the company has a defined method for allocation is permitted to capitalize these costs as part of development Capitalization of Depreciation of Equip and Facilities Depending on nature, costs can be expensed or capitalized Capitalization of Financing Costs â€Å"Capitalization of Interest†requires that a portion of interest costs incurred during the construction phase of assets should be capitalized as a part of the cost of the self-constructed asset. Interest capitalization only applies to qualifying assets: 1. Assets that are constructed or otherwise produced for an enterprise’s own use 2. Assets intended for sale or lease that are constructed or otherwise produced as discrete projects (ships or real estate developments) Amount to interest to capitalize- the portion of interest costs incurred during the period when the asset is being constructed that could have been avoided if the spending on the asset had not been made. Capitalization period shall begin when 3 conditions are met: Expenditures for asset have been made Activities that are necessary to get the asset ready for its intended use are in progress Interest cost is being incurred Once production begins- depreciate capitalized costs Sole Risk or Carried Interests If an asset requires a period of time in which to carry out the activities necessary to bring it to that condition and location, the interest cost incurred during that period as a result of expenditures for the asset is a part of the historical cost of acquiring the asset. â€Å" CHAPTER 9 Production Costs Costs of labor to operate the wells and related equipment and facilities Repairs and maintenance Materials, supplies, and fuel consumed and services utilized in operating the wells and related equipment and facilities Property taxes and insurance applicable to proved properties and wells and related equipment and facilities Severance taxes Depreciation, depletion and amortization Accounting for Production Costs All costs relating to production activities, including workover costs incurred solely to maintain or increase levels of production from an existing completion interval, shall be charged to expense as incurred. An expenditure that enhances original performance of the well should be capitalized Materials and supplies- capitalize if used in drilling or development. If used in repair or maintenance, they should be expensed. Recompletions- typically involve entering an existing well and deepening or plugging back in order to achieve production in a new formation or a zone in an existing formation. In a currently or previously producing formation or zone should be treated as an expense since the purpose is to restore production without an increase in commercial reserves If the objective is to develop reserves in a new formation or find new reserves, the activity would be new drilling. (drilling costs could be exploratory or development rather than production) Costs should then be capita lized or expensed depending on SE or FC and on outcome of drilling Taxes (severance or production) should be expensed as production costs Crude Oil Production 1 Barrel = 42 gallons of oil at 60 degrees F API gravity (measure of density) of oil = the higher, the lighter the oil All crude contains BS&W- basic sediments and water Disposition: outright sales, direct supply, indirect supply, exchanges, fraccers, or oil used in operations Gas measurement Measurement in mcf is affected by temperature., pressure, compressibility, gravity etc Standard pressure is 14.73 pounds per square inch at 60 degrees Fahrenheit Pre Acquisition Acquisition Exploratory Development Production List the four Oil & Gas Agreements used on a worldwide basis and describe each one. 1. US Domestic lease agreement- an oil and gas lease grants to the oil and gas company the right and obligation to operate a property. This includes the right to explore for, develop and produce oil and gas from the property and also obligates the company to pay all costs. (Company is a working interest owner). All costs, all risk. Payment of a signature bonus to mineral rights owner or a royalty. 2. Concession agreement- encountered in operations outside the united states where the mineral rights owner is the local government. Sometimes the government is involved with a joint working interest. Payment of a bonus by the oil company to the government at the time the contract is signed. Payment of a royalty to the government. Responsible for paying all of the costs incurred in developing. 3. Risk service agreement- oil companies erform workovers aimed at restoring or stimulating production including application of current technology to currently producing fields. Bonus to national government at contract signing. Government retains ownership of reserve. Oil company incurs all costs and risks. Operating and capital costs incurred are recovered through payment of operating and capital fees. Government may participate in operations as a working interest owner. 4. Production Sharing contracts- companies obtain the rights from the government to explore for, develop and produce oil and gas. Company pays bonus to national government at contract date. Pays royalties to government. Government maintains ownership of reserves. Companies incur all risk and costs. Company required to spend a predetermined amount of money, which is recoverable from future production. 2.) Describe the life cycle (Phases) of an Oil & Gas Project. Include the Accounting Treatment (ie. Successful Efforts or Full Cost Pool) for each phase. 1. Pre-license prospecting- geological evaluation of relatively large areas before acquisition of petroleum rights. Analyzing G&G data. Successful Efforts (SE) Method The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) has issued FASB Statement No. 19 dealing with the successful efforts method. Under the SE method, costs incurred in searching for, acquiring, and developing oil and gas reserves are capitalized if they directly result in producing reserves. Costs which are attributable to activities that do not result in finding, acquiring, or developing specific reserves are charged to expense. The cost center for the SE method is a lease, field, or reservoir. The various types of costs are treated under the SE method as follows: 1. Acquisition Costs: They are capitalized to unproven property until proved reserves are found or until the property is abandoned or impaired (a partial abandonment). If adequate reserves are discovered, the property is reclassified from unproven property to proven property. For tax purposes, acquisition costs are handled the same way except the cost cannot be partially written off as an impairment expense. The property must be abandoned before any cost may be written off. 2. Exploration Costs: They are recorded in two different ways, depending upon the type of costs incurred. a. Nondrilling Costs: Examples of these type of costs are geological and geophysical (G & G) costs, costs of carrying and retaining undeveloped properties, and dry hole and bottom hole contributions. These types of costs are expensed as they are incurred. For tax purposes, nondrilling costs are capitalized to the applicable property. b. Drilling Costs: They are treated differently depending on whether the well drilled is classified as an exploratory well or a developmental well. An exploratory well is a well drilled in an unproven area. A developmental well is a well drilled to produce from a proven reservoir. 1) If an exploratory well is a dry hole, the costs incurred in drilling the well are expensed. If the exploratory well is successful, the costs incurred in drilling the well are capitalized to wells and related equipment and facilities. 2) The costs incurred in drilling developmental wells are capitalized to related equipment and facilities even if a dry hole is drilled. The costs associated with tangible well equipment and facilities are capitalized, regardless of the type of well drilled. For tax purposes, certain costs associated with such equipment are eligible for treatment as deductible IDC. Tax depreciation methods usually allow for a more accelerated rate of depreciation than book or financial depreciation. Also, book depreciation will be computed on 1-10the developmental dry holes and IDC which are capitalized for book purposes but expensed for tax purposes. Therefore, an M-1 adjustment will be required on the difference between the amount of book and tax depreciation. 3. Production Costs: These costs are expensed as incurred, which is the same treatment used for tax purposes. It should be noted, however, that many taxpayers erroneously expense overhead attributable to either acquisition or exploration activities as production costs. Overhead attributable to acquisition and exploration costs must be capitalized. 4. Depletion: This usually requires an M-1 adjustment. Although the cost depletion formula is the same for book and tax purposes, the amount for the basis used in the computation of cost depletion will vary due to the difference in capitalization. In addition, many taxpayers will be allowed to use a larger percentage depletion deduction Full Cost Method Under the FC method, all costs incurred in exploring, acquiring, and developing oil and gas reserves in a cost center are capitalized. Geological and geophysical (G & G) studies, successful and unsuccessful, are capitalized for book and financial purposes. For tax purposes, successful G & G costs are capitalized and unsuccessful G & G costs are expensed. An M-1 adjustment is required for the amount of unsuccessful G & G costs expensed. Delay rental costs are capitalized for book and financial purposes. Exploratory dry hole costs are capitalized for book and financial purposes. For tax purposes, all dry hole costs (exploratory or developmental) are capitalized unless the taxpayer elects to expense them. Since most taxpayers expense these costs for tax purposes, an M-1 adjustment is required. Impaired or abandoned property costs remain capitalized in the cost center for book and financial purposes. For tax purposes, no deduction is allowed unless a property is totally worthless. An M-1 adjustment is required only when an abandonment is claimed for tax purposes. General and administrative costs which are not associated with acquisition, exploration, and development activities are expensed. However, overhead that can be associated with acquisition, exploration, and development activities is capitalized. The costs are handled the same way for tax purposes. Depletion usually will require an M-1 adjustment. In many instances, taxpayers may be able to claim a larger percentage depletion deduction in lieu of cost depletion. Even where cost depletion is claimed for book and financial purposes because of the different capitalization rules, the amount of cost depletion allowable will vary.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Hamlet A Tragic Hero - 995 Words
Hamlet: A Tragic Hero William Shakespeare is known through the ages as a brilliant playwright. He has written several comedies and tragedies that people have loved through decades. Shakespeare’s plays have been interpreted in many different ways and have been debated on which interpretation is correct. Some of these included even the basis of the character’s persona. In the Shakespearean tragedy Hamlet, the main protagonist, Prince Hamlet, is fated by the ghost of his late father that, because of his tragic flaw of procrastination, leads him to his self-destruction which deems him a tragic hero. For characters to be considered a tragic hero, they must first be destined by the gods or any other form of the supernatural. In the first act of Hamlet, the Ghost, who is believed to be the late King Hamlet, appears to his son, Prince Hamlet, to destine him to seek revenge for the late king’s death. In order for the Prince to do this, he must kill his father’s bro ther and now king, Claudius, who killed King Hamlet in his sleep. Even though some of the characters who saw the ghost are not even sure that this is truly the ghost of King Hamlet, Hamlet believes that it is his father due to the fact that the ghost was wearing what appeared to be the King’s royal armor. Hamlet feels the need to follow what the ghost has set before him to do because of his relationship and loyalty to his father. This strong bond or loyalty he had for his father will be what drives the Prince toShow MoreRelatedHamlet As A Tragic Hero850 Words  | 4 Pagesas a hero if they revenge? Well In the novel Hamlet the author, William Shakespeare creates tragic events where his main character Hamlet has to overcome to achieve his goal of killing his evil uncle Claudius. â€Å"In life one has to do bad thing in order to be a hero,the hero also has to make sacrifices in order to be successful†(John Barrowman). In Shakespeare Hamlet, should hamlet be consider ed a tragic hero judging by him following the hero steps. Shakespeare proves that Hamlet was a tragic heroRead MoreHamlet, A Tragic Hero1003 Words  | 5 Pagesmemorable tragic hero’s Hamlet is the definition of a tragic hero. In the book, Hamlet, Shakespeare’s character hamlet is determined on killing his uncle the king. This goal proves to be challenging to him due to his morals. He often struggles with this throughout the book. This proves to be his downfall for not deciding to kill the king until the very end. A tragic hero has to have a fatal flaw that, combined with fate, brings tragedy. This is one of the key characteristics of a tragic hero. He hadRead MoreHamlet As A Tragic Hero1071 Words  | 5 Pages Hamlet as a Tragic Hero The Webster dictionary defines tragedy as, â€Å"a serious drama typically describing a conflict between the protagonist and a superior force and having a sorrowful or disastrous conclusion that excites pity or terror.†(Webster Dictionary) So a tragic hero is a character who goes through a conflict and suffers catastrophically as a direct result of his choices. You will see throughout this story that the character Hamlet is a clear example of Shakespeare’s tragic hero. ShakespeareRead MoreHamlet as a Tragic Hero2505 Words  | 11 Pagesterror. A tragic hero, therefore, is the character who experiences such a conflict and suffers catastrophically as a result of his choices and related actions. The character of Hamlet is a clear representation of Shakespeares tragic hero, as he possesses all the necessary characteristics of such a hero. Hamlet is seen as a tragic hero as he has doomed others because of a serious error in judgment, also Hamlet is responsible for his own fate and Hamlet has been endowed with a tragic flaw. TheseRead MoreHamlet As A Tragic Hero1305 Words  | 6 Pages Sympathy is a feeling of sorrow, pity, or understanding of someone else’s misfortune. Hamlet, in this case, is the tragic hero due to many different sources that cause the reader to have an immense amount of sympathy for him. A series of events such as murder, failed relationships, and all the madness, created the feeling of sympathy from the audience. These s pecific sources cause the reader to see the development of the overall themes of deceit, justice, and revenge. Deceit is one of the mainRead MoreHamlet; Tragic Hero3618 Words  | 15 Pages Hamlet; The Tragic Hero        In many plays there is always one person that is the tragic hero. They always possess some type of tragic flaw that in turn leads to their tragic deaths. In the Shakespearean play Hamlet the main character Hamlet is considered to be a tragic hero. By carefully analyzing the Shakespearean play Hamlet one can debate whether the main character Hamlet is a tragic hero. Although it is debatable whether or not Hamlet is a tragic hero, one wouldRead MoreIs Hamlet A Tragic Hero Essay961 Words  | 4 PagesTo be, or not to be: a hero. That is the question often asked of William Shakespeare’s tragedy, Hamlet: whether Hamlet II, Prince of Denmark, can be considered a hero. Throughout the play Hamlet proves himself to be a hero, although different from the usual sense of one. Hamlet is a tragic hero, â€Å"a great or virtuous character . . . who is destined for downfall, suffering, or defeat . . . who makes an error of judgment or has a fatal flaw tha t, combined with fate and external forces, brings on a tragedyRead MoreHamlet As The Tragic Hero Of The Play Hamlet 1314 Words  | 6 PagesIn order to better understand Hamlet one must first asses, and define man. According to webster dictionary a man is a male often having the qualities associated with bravery,script or toughness(site webster dictionary www.define a here). We know the male figure is known to exhibit distinctive male traits such as strength, dignity, courage and be a provider and supporter. As seen in Hamlet one must understand the male figure to better understand Hamlet and why the male behave in such waysRead MoreHamlet: A Tragic Hero Essays697 Words  | 3 Pagestragedy of Hamlet, Shakespeare’s most popular and greatest tragedy, presents his genius as a playwright and includes many numbers of themes and literary techniques. In all tragedies, the main character, called a tragic hero, suffers and usually dies at the end. Prince Hamlet is a m odel example of a Shakespearean tragic hero. Every tragedy must have a tragic hero. A tragic hero must own many good traits, but has a flaw that ultimately leads to his downfall. If not for this tragic flaw, the hero would beRead More Hamlet: A Tragic Hero Essays873 Words  | 4 Pages â€Å"A tragic flaw is an error or defect in the tragic hero that leads to his downfall.†( In the history of literature, if the question of who was the most indecisive character was brought up, Hamlet would be a prime candidate. Hamlet had numerous chances to reap revenge for his father’s death but was only able to follow through after the accidental murder of his mother. Hamlet’s inability to make a decision ultimately leads to his demise
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Child Abuse And Neglect Of The United States That Should...
Problem Statement Child abuse and neglect is a significant problem in the United States that should demand direct attention. There are approximately three million child abuse reports made each year, and these reports involve more than six million children. Out of four to five children that die daily, 70 percent are under three years of age. There are 90 percent of cases involving of children who know who know their perpetrator. The main factors of child abuse are physical, emotional, and sexual abuse. In many cases involving sexual abuse, there is usually not any medical evidence to be shown, and there are usually not any witness due to the sexual acts taking place in private places. That is why it is considered the â€Å"hidden†form of abuse. Neglect is a type of maltreatment related to the failure to provide needed, age-appropriate care. In comparison to other types of cases, child abuse cases have distinctive characteristics that make them different. For example, children make â€Å"perfec t†victims (ncjrs). Children are usually unable to defend or protect themselves due to their mental and physical developmental levels. Other relating factors include that children do not feel comfortable disclosing the abuse, or they only feel the need to tell part of the actual story. Referring back to the fact that most cases involve children knowing their perpetrator has a prime effect on children disclosing the abuse. An emotional bond often exists between the child and the offender, andShow MoreRelatedThe Primary Cause Of Media Violence In The Media1223 Words  | 5 Pagesmedia roots violence in society, there is still insufficient and inadequate research that discloses a concrete connection between violent media images being the primary cause of aggressive behavior. Thus, the violence portrayed in the media is not a direct cause of violence in the society. While others may argue that if a perpetrator is an avid fan of a violent and graphic television program or a video game, their actions are influenced by it. Provided that this statement is true, the majority of fansRead MoreThe Social Horror Of Child Abuse2083 Words  | 9 PagesDelila Escamilla Kevin Leaverton Informative Essay 03/03/2015 Child Abuse Introduction One of the worst and the most inhuman crimes discussed by the civic societies is child abuse because of the serious impacts of this evil on the victim as well as the society as a whole. Children are vulnerable to abuses of various kinds and magnitudes as their exposure to unsafe conditions at households, schools or other organized groups are generally free from the social surveillance and the perceived moral justiceRead MoreElder abuse Essay3074 Words  | 13 PagesElders in the United States should not have to go through situations of abuse like the one Mildred Mortenson suffered. However, this type of situations happen more often than they should and sadly, there is not enough being done to prevent it. Elder abuse should be recognized as an increasing and very serious problem in our society. As elders grow more physically frail and begin to depend on others to meet their basic needs, they tend to become vulnerable to intentional abuse and neglect within theirRead MoreCorporal P unishment Is The Best Form Of Parenting2099 Words  | 9 Pagesbeen challenged, but despite much research, many Americans are still not convinced that there is a better way. Unlike drinking milk, smoking, and texting while driving, corporal punishment remains a silenced public health issue. Corporal punishment should be stopped in all American schools and homes. Not much is known about the history of treatment of children, but from what is known, it does not seem to reflect any of today’s values whatsoever. In ancient Sparta, infants that did not match the standardsRead MoreChild Protection And Safety Act3046 Words  | 13 PagesRunning Head: Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006 1 Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006 10 Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006 Natasha R. Dixon Durham Technical Community College: Durham, N.C. Abstract In recent years, policymakers and parents of missing, abducted and slain children have demanded action against the growing problem of pedophiles in the United States. This literature examines one of the most controversial child safety acts passedRead MoreInfluence of Family Values, Violence and Media Upon Children Essays1949 Words  | 8 Pages Patterns of behavior and cycles of abuse affect childhood development. Traditions and morals give the foundation and support that children need to understand boundaries. Love, family time, and structure provide a cornerstone for children to thrive. At the same time, neglect, abuse and expose to violence create the child’s blueprint for life. To what extent does the â€Å"family†shape the values of children today? Parental involvement and discipline help mold the child’s decisions regarding violentRead MoreSocial Anxiety Disorder ( Disorder ) Essay2087 Words  | 9 Pagesdisorder is believed to affect nearly 15 million adults in the United States (Understanding the Facts: Social Anxiety Disorder, 2016) and is a growing concern in today’s ever more socially connected world. Much of the concern over social anxiety disorder stems from the idea that the age of onset often occurs during youth; around age 13 (Understanding the Facts: Social Anxiety Disorder, 2016) and that, of those affected, nearly one third state that they suffered symptoms of the disorder for more thanRead MoreSubstance Abuse15082 Words  | 61 Pagesown social status should they associate with them. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE is one of the most common crimes. It is present throughout society, usually hidden, but there, nontheless. Violence between adults who are in an intimate or family relationship with each other, most often a sexual relationship between a woman and a man. Overwhelmingly, the recipients of the violence are women and the perpetrators are men. It is clear that women do sometimes abuse men and that violenceRead MoreMethamphetamine : The Role Of Social Stigma1949 Words  | 8 PagesRunning Head: METHAMPHETAMINE ABUSE Methamphetamine: The Role of Social Stigma Introduction Over the last two decades, there has been an alarming increase of methamphetamine consumption from 4.8 million individuals in 1996 to 12 million in 2009 (Substance Abuse and Mental Services Administration, 2010). Methamphetamine abuse is not exclusive to the United States, according to Degenhardt el al. (2008), East Asia is believed to be the largest methamphetamine producer and consumer in the world. DueRead MoreA Helping Field : What It Makes A Difference? Essay1981 Words  | 8 PagesA Helping Field: What it Takes to Make a Difference In this day and age, why would anyone choose to work in a helping field? With life in a culture that is rich in technology, social media, and text messaging; yet lacking in direct interpersonal relationships being self-absorbed becomes likely. How easy it can be to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of existence and drift into egocentrism, and lose sight of what is supposed to make this country rare and spectacular, common goodness and humanity
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