Tuesday, December 24, 2019
International Covenant On Civil And Political Rights
Ellie Smith Final Exam Question December 16, 2015 Issue 1. After recognizing the seriousness and significance of Biff’s plea for help, it can be determined that human rights violations occurred in the case of Biff and the rest of the elves at the factory in the North Pole. In his letter, Biff describes being forced into labor, receiving little pay, and being confined to the factory each day. The conditions described by Biff do not reflect standard or acceptable labor practices, and it is evident that Santa Claus’s factory did not follow peremptory norms or the conditions presented in certain human rights conventions that the North Pole is a party to. Article 8 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) states†¦show more content†¦Article 24 states that â€Å"everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay.†The elves are allegedly given no holidays or leisure time. If the sweatshop is state-owned, then it is absolutely in violation of the human rights described previously. However, even if it is privately owned, the toy factory business needs to adhere to the principles laid out in the ICCPR and the UDHR. The obligations of private business to respect these treaties is customary international law, but also implied in the preamble of both treaties. The preamble to the ICCPR states that the basis for the treaty is â€Å"recognition of the inherent dignity and the equal and unalienable rights of all members of the human family.†The preamble of the UDHR makes the implied obligation more clear, stating â€Å"every individual and every organ of society†must observe human rights. Private businesses should not be considered as an exception to these treaties. Issue 2. Working within the United Nations system, it would be in Biff’s best interest to bring his case to the attention of a United Nations committee. The most appropriate committees to deal with
Monday, December 16, 2019
Special Population and the Advocacy Role Free Essays
Advocacy is the fighting a cause for an individual or group of invididuals. Many people today need and use an advocate. For example, a social worker advocates for a client so that the client can receive state assistance benefits. We will write a custom essay sample on Special Population and the Advocacy Role or any similar topic only for you Order Now An advocate usually pleads or defends a position. The wealthy usually do not need an advocate as they have the means to solve the problem or issue themselves. Many programs from Catholic charities to the federal food stamp programs employee advocates. In the State of Nevada there are local charities that advocate for the protection of children and fight for the rights of prisoners and victims of crimes. Citizens United for the Rehabilitation of Errant’s and the Recovery Group Cure, (Citizens United for the Rehabilitation of Errant’s) and the Recovery Group Inc. are such charities that advocate for prisoners in the State of Nevada Legislature in hopes to create laws equal and just. Carson City Nevada is the state capital of Nevada. The state of Nevada has a population of more than two million. Nevada state prisons house over 12,000 inmates. The main purpose of CURE and the Recovery group is to ensure prisons are used for those individuals who belong in prison and to provide available resources to those in prison who want to turn their lives around. CURE currently has 20,000 members. â€Å"Current issues addressed are abolishment of the death penalty, adequate access to legal assistance, effective drug treatment and a constitutional amendment that changes the American justice system†(Nevada-Cure, 2011, p. 1). Members of the CURE group and the Recovery group are currently appearing in the state legislature to speak on such issues as WIC for pregnant women prisoners, an increase in educational programs in prisons, and requiring juvenile justice receiving state funds to file an annual report on the number of juvenile deaths and the circumstances relating to the death of the juvenile (Nevada-Cure, 2011). Adrienne’s Perspective. Adrienne’s husband has been asked to be a part of a committee in the state’s legislature that addresses the issues and concerns of the CURE and Recovery group. She believes that many prisoners have the desire to change their lives; however, many programs are no longer available to the prisoners housed in the state of Nevada’s prisons. A meeting was set up with the Director of Prisons in January to discuss the issues currently addressed in the state legislature. Adrienne realizes the state has limited resources and funding available. She would propose that these two organizations raise money through donations and federal grants. Individuals who do not have the time to advocate for the cause and believe in this cause can donate money to these organizations to fight for the cause. Adrienne and her husband along with other individuals advocate for this cause by being the voice inside the state legislature. Although Adrienne does believe many individuals will never change their lives, she does believe that those whom want to must have the opportunity and resources available to succeed. References Nevada-Cure.org. (2011) Nevada-Cure: Citizens United for the Rehabilitation of Errants. Retrieved January 15, 2012 from http://www.nevadacure.org/ How to cite Special Population and the Advocacy Role, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Modify Organization Preparation
Questions: Introduction Bounce Fitness is made up of four fitness centres. Head office is currently established in Cairns, Queensland. The other centres are in Brisbane, (Queensland), Sydney, (New South Wales) and Melbourne, (Victoria). It is the intention of the Board of Directors that a new centre will be opened in Perth, (Western Australia). It was established in 2001 by Margaret House as a single aerobic studio. After two years membership increases demanded the small leased centre be expanded and a new facility was built on land purchased by the organisation. In 2004 a second centre was established in leased premises in Brisbane and then Sydney and Melbourne in the subsequent two years. The Head Office remains in Cairns and a Board of Directors has been established to oversee the function of the business in all of the centers. Each centre has a Manager, who reports to the CEO in Cairns, and a team of permanently employed fitness instructors and other casual instructors, all of whom report to the Centre Manager. The business is operated on best business practice and complies with all legislative requirements, local by-laws and is registered with the national body. Bounce Fitness intends to market its brand through excellence in service and expertise to establish itself as a premier provider of fitness and wellness in Australia. Much time is invested in training the Centre staff to upgrade their professional skills and in customer service to foster a loyal member base. Classes are innovative and varied with regular changes to routines and activities. Bounce Fitness has developed choreographed fitness moves with accompanying music which is geared to the varying interests, needs and goals of the member group. It is intended that all around Australia, gym and fitness centre members will continue to be enhancing personal performance through classes designed and produced by this business. Classes are coupled with state-of-the-art fitness equipment to cater to those who prefer resistance training to aerobic workouts. Additional free weights allow for use by even die-hard lifters. All centers are carpeted in areas used for stationary activities, spacious, well-ventilated and air-conditioned to make the environment as safe and comfortable as possible. They are light and feature wrap-around mirrored walls. The decor was designed by a Brisbane firm and is updated every three years. There are showers, toilets, lockers. Each centre features a retail section selling fitness shoes, clothes and other related fitness items. There is a small cafeteria which is leased to a provider who supplies healthy, low calorie drinks and light food. Each Centre has regularly scheduled aerobic classes ranging from high intensity to low intensity. The scheduling is left to each Centre but must sustain a minimum average of twelve in each class for them to continue to be held. The style of classes changes as new methods are developed to sustain interest and provide variety. Circuit classes are also scheduled for groups who move in a circuitous rotation around the different resistance equipment sequentially as instructed by the Instructor. They are required to complete interval aerobic exercises during the completion of a class to enhance the value of the workout. Very low intensity classes are also held in age care facilities to keep residents active and incorporate light weights to keep them healthy. This exercise contributes to the physical and mental health of participants as well as providing an interest in their day. Special classes are held in high schools for senior students, sheltered workshops and other special situations as requested and are operated at minimal or no cost as a community service. Funding is primarily from memberships. Memberships are sold on one, three, six and twelve monthly basis on a decreasing fee scale. Casual members are welcome, but the daily rate is a premium one. Each Centre sells memberships to 120%. This means that at peak times it could be quite crowded, but experience demonstrates that there is a maximum of 80% usage. The retail arm of the business accounts for about 30% of the takings from each centre. The strategic plan for retail is set to increase investment in sales this year to 35%. Each Centre will be given a budget to develop and implement a sales and marketing plan to trial. The most successful may be implemented nationally and will attract an incentive for the most successful Centre. The catering facilities are currently leased to private operators, and this is reconsidered during each annual planning session by the Board, which produces 5% of the income, less than the rent off-set. Task 11. Identify the needs for strategic change through analysis of strategic plans contrasted with the practices as defined in the case study. You may prefer to use SWOT analysis but this is optional.2. Discuss any patterns or trends in the external environment which impact on the achievement of the organizations change management objectives.3. Identify major operational change requirements due to performance gaps, business opportunities or threats, or management decisions for this change management initiative.4. Discuss how you review and prioritize change requirements/ opportunities with relevant managers. Conduct web research and indentify the name of an external specialist or expert who can help you identify major change requirements and opportunities in this case.5. Complete a cost benefit analysis for high priority change requirement/ opportunities.6. Complete a risk analysis, identify barriers to change agree and document mitigation strategies.7. Develop your change manageme nt project plan.8. From whom will you seek approval and confirm the change management process?9. What resources will you need and how will you report to and gain information from relevant managers?10. Develop communication/ education plans and discuss how you will consult with relevant groups and individuals. Do not forget that you must report to the executive as well as communicate widely with the centre staff.11. Develop your communication/ education plan to promote the benefits of the change to the organization, and to minimize loss, and arrange activities to deliver the communication/ education plans to all relevant groups and individuals.12. How will you consult with relevant groups and individuals for input to the change process after the implementation commences?13. What barriers to change do you sees as possible? Develop a risk management and mitigation plan for each.14. In your change management plan, include action plans and activities and the project timetable. You may us e Critical Path Analysis or Grantt Chart for this, but may choose to use another method. 15. What are your strategies and how will you activate these for embedding the change? Answer: 1] Strategic modification for future aspects A company needs to analyze the inner strength and weakness for further development. Proper knowledge of the total market is very important to decide internal strategies as well as advice of the consumers are also very important. An advice page in the centre is helpful to judge the inner mind of the consumer that what actually they feel to change and also help to build further master plan. 2] Impact of Outer Situations After analyzing the Australian market of fitness centres it is observed that the total market is of $1.2 billion in the year 2012. It can conclude that people of Australia taking care of their health with the help of this fitness centres. Also the efficiency has increased by doing aerobics and all. It has been concluded that the market opportunity for this industry is very high. 3] Key Operational modification Time management for the schedules of every group of clients is very important and the higher authority should give a clear instruction about this. Board of members should communicate with every team member at a time interval is needed to structure the mind of every staff in the institute (ner, Benson and Gl BeÃ…Å ¸er, 2014). 4] List of necessary modification A caption should be there which indicates the priority of workout in your life Time management is essential for development Adding new instruments for workout is very essential Feedback from the employees is also essential at a time interval Specification of the areas for every type of workouts are important 5] Cost-Effectiveness evaluation Increase the number of clients in each batch will generates some revenue as the usage is only 80% in pick time (Hahn, 2010) Taking control of catering into own hand of the company will generate a good revenue Add some more membership condition is also a good decision. 6] Risk modification Operating issues are the main risks of opening a new branch in a new area. There is a big chance of communication gap when it is operated from main control centre. Communication time is also high (Torppa and Smith, 2011). A chance of miss communication is also there. Decisions taken by the directors and to communicate this with managers and colleagues from headquarter is time consuming as well as chances of create mess are huge. Also if the local office having their own decision taking capability may be differ from the directors. There is also a chance of communication gap. Proper communication with basic strategy discussion and understanding should be there for avoiding the false situation. 7] Alter organization development plan Changes should be with least disturbance Communicate all developmental strategies (Lai, 2014) Observe the hazard of alteration Response in time Communications are strategy specific Cost calculation for every step 8] Approval authority Alter plan is approved by Board of directors followed by finance head and operation head. This is the main regulation authority and approval committee. All the plans are thoroughly viewed and then approved by the organization head. Financial issues are solved and approved by head of finance and ultimately operation head will approved and apply to the concerned area. 9] Resources and Applicable Information Communication with the concern person is very necessary step. Feedback from the instructor and concern heads on day to day visit is important. Financial consideration is also a very important aspect. Recruitment of the personnel on proper field is essential. Daily feedback and information via mail and phone is the way to communicate with managers. 10] Conveyance plan Structuring of a proper chart to recruit and train them accordingly. Convey them the main strategy of the company and educate them how to follow the guidelines of the institution. Communicate with the retailers and brief them the need of the company and make them understand of the financial terms and conditions. Report to the directors of the progress of the following procedure is also important. 11] Companies Learning Programme Alteration of the strategy will add some value to the organization. To avoid loss proper marketing of the concept is needed. Area of making profit should be clarified and understand in detail. Concept should be clear and communication must be proper. Arranging a social conference may help to build up the perception and will help to gain some profit. 12] Message after Completion The main strategy of the company should be clear in all groups. Facilities and schedule should be mentioned properly. Time efficient schedule should be made. Guideline of the company should be followed by the instructor. 13] Hazard Supervision and Reduction Plan The Hazards are mainly communication gap, time consumption and structural issues. Company may loss revenue for any reason stated above so solve the issues as early as possible should be the right choice (Lewis and Grosser, 2012). Communication gap due to the structural hierarchy of reporting may be occurring. The clear instruction of strategies should be communicated to each and everyone. The suggestion part should be open to all and the feedback of the instructors is very important to nullify the problems for further improvement. 14] Action Plans and project Time Table Activities Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Assessment of change needs Recognizing areas where change requires Propose alternatives for change Assessment of propose alternatives Implementation of change plan Review of change 15] Policy and Execution Consumer satisfaction and improved structure is very important to attract all the groups. Recruitment of professionals is also important. Continuous feedback should be taken from every type of groups. These help to find out the problems of the organization and also help to resolve it. Execution of the strategies is very essential part. Communication from instructor to director should be clear. Problems should be solved as early as possible. Time of action should be reduced. Newer equipments should be provided and feedback should be taken from the customers. References Hahn, R. (2010). Designing Smarter Regulation with Improved Benefit-Cost Analysis.Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis, 1(1). Lai, S. (2014). A WBS-Based Plan Changeability Measurement Model for Reducing Software Project Change Risk.LNSE, pp.94-99. Lewis, A. and Grosser, M. (2012). The Change Game: An Experiential Exercise Demonstrating Barriers to Change.Journal of Management Education, 36(5), pp.669-697. ner, M., Benson, C. and Gl BeÃ…Å ¸er, S. (2014). Linking Organizational Change Management and Organizational Foresight.Strat Change, 23(3-4), pp.185-203. Torppa, C. and Smith, K. (2011). Organizational Change Management: A Test of the Effectiveness of a Communication Plan.Communication Research Reports, 28(1), pp.62-73.
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