Saturday, November 30, 2019
The Battle of Khaybar Essay Example
The Battle of Khaybar Paper Essay on the Battle of Khaybar The Battle of Khandaq, which took place two years after the Battle of Uhud, is one of the important battles that had an important role in eliminating the barriers blocking the development of Islam. This occured in the year 629 between Muhammad and his followers against the Jews living in the oasis of Khaybar, located 150 kilometers (95 miles) from Medina in the north-western part of the Arabian peninsula, in modern-day Saudi Arabia. Ahzab is another name for the Battle of Khandaq, which was given this name due to the trenches (khandaqs) dug around Madinah upon the order of the Messenger of God in order to stop the attack of the enemy easily. The name Ahzab (groups) was given to the battle because along with he Qurayshi polytheists, Jews, Ghatafans and many other Arab tribes and groups came together in order to attack Madinah. As it can be remembered, the Messenger of God had expelled Sons of Nadr, one of the Jewish tribes, from Madinah. They had gone to the north and settled in important places like Khaybar, Damascus and Wadi’l-Qura. They wanted to relieve the suffering they felt because of being expelled from Madinah by talking against the Prophet and Islam wherever they went and by provoking people against Muslims. We will write a custom essay sample on The Battle of Khaybar specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Battle of Khaybar specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Battle of Khaybar specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer One of the incidents that Sons of Nadr Jews caused to happen through their provocation, encouragement and leading is the Battle fo Khandaq. As, the Prophet had signed the treaty of Hudaybiyah with the Quraysh, he was not worried about the attack. He wanted now to teach the Jews of Khyber a lesson they wont forget because they were continuously intriguing against the Muslims and trying to destroy them. Their last try was at the battle of the Trench when they stirred their allies of Ghatafan to side with them against the Muslims, even thought they didn’t fight at the battle, they still had an important hand in lighting it up. So the Prophet decided to put an end to all their tries and go to Khyber and bring it down.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Qué es el Servicio militar selectivo en EE.UU.
Quà © es el Servicio militar selectivo en EE.UU. En EE.UU. ciudadanos, residentes, asilados, refugiados e incluso los migrantes indocumentados varones estn obligados a registrarse para el Sistema de Servicio Selectivo. Servicio Selectivo en EE.UU. En EE.UU. no existe el servicio militar obligatorio pero sà el Servicio Selectivo.Los varones entre 18 y 25 aà ±os de edad deben registrarseLa obligacià ³n tambià ©n aplica a los migrantes indocumentados.  ¿Quà © es el Servicio Selectivo en EE.UU.? El Servicio Selectivo es la obligacià ³n de registrarse en una lista que manejar una agencia federal conocida como SSS. Aunque el servicio militar obligatorio se eliminà ³ en 1973 y desde entonces el Ejà ©rcito est formado por tropas profesionales y es voluntario. Sin embargo, podrà a establecerse de nuevo el servicio militar obligatorio en una situacià ³n de emergencia nacional. El objetivo del Servicio Selectivo es que si el gobierno lo necesitase, podrà a establecer en base a ese listado quià ©nes tendrà an que prestar un servicio militar obligatorio. En este caso serà an llamados a filas los varones registrados en el Servicio Selectivo segà ºn su fecha de nacimiento y mediante un sistema de sorteo, siguiendo las directrices establecidas en la ley.  ¿Quià ©nes estn obligados a registrarse en el Servicio Selectivo? En EE.UU. deben registrarse en el Servicio Selectivo todos los varones entre los 18 y los 25 aà ±os de edad que se encuentren en alguna de las categorà as siguientes: Ciudadanos estadounidenses Todos los nacidos con posterioridad al 31 de diciembre de 1959. Esta obligacià ³n afecta tambià ©n a las personas con doble nacionalidad e, incluso, a los ciudadanos que residen habitualmente en otro paà s. Residentes permanentes legales Esta obligacià ³n aplica incluso cuando han pedido permiso para pasar una temporada fuera de los Estados Unidos. Otros migrantes Refugiados, asilados, parolees, trabajadores agrà colas especiales de temporada I-688 y migrantes indocumentados Esta obligacià ³n existe aunque el varà ³n està © incapacitado parcialmente tanto fà sica como mentalmente siempre y cuando pueda funcionar en pà ºblico. Los migrantes que solicitan ajuste de estatus o una visa de inmigrante sern inscritos automticamente, si cumplen los requisitos.  ¿Quià ©nes NO estn obligados a registrarse en el Servicio Selectivo? En primer lugar, las mujeres de cualquier edad y los varones mayores de 26 aà ±os. Adems, tampoco deben registrarse los turistas con un I-94 sin expirar, diplomticos y sus familias, estudiantes extranjeros y trabajadores temporales y dems extranjeros con visas vlidas y que estn cumpliendo los requisitos de sus respectivos programas, como la H-1, L-1, F-1, J-1, etc. Hay que tener en cuenta que cualquier visitante con visa no inmigrante como las seà ±aladas en el artà culo anterior se queda en Estados Unidos por ms de 30 dà as en situacià ³n ilegal tiene la obligacià ³n de registrarse. Tampoco estn obligados los ciudadanos y los migrantes que prestan servicio activo en una de las ramas del Ejà ©rcito o en la Guardia Nacional o estn en una de sus academias o en programas de oficiales en instituciones como The Citadel, Virginia Military Institute, etc. Finalmente, tampoco estn obligados a registrarse los enfermos fà sicos o mentales que estn internados en una residencia, hospital o institucià ³n, los encarcelados, hasta que salen de prisià ³n y los agricultores temporales I-688A.  ¿Cundo y cà ³mo registrarse para el Servicio Selectivo? En los 30 dà as siguientes a cumplir los 18 aà ±os o al momento en que nace la obligacià ³n. Por ejemplo, un residente permanente que entra por primera vez al paà s con 23 aà ±os, pues tiene 30 dà as a partir de ese momento. Se puede hacer la registracià ³n: Por internet en la pgina oficial de SSS.govEn una oficina de CorreosMarcando la casilla oportuna al rellenar el formulario de FAFSAEn la High School en la que se estudiaLos ciudadanos en el extranjero puede registrarse por internet o solicitar asistencia en una oficina consular. Tambià ©n puede rellenarse la inscripcià ³n en papel y enviarla a: Selective Service SystemP.O. Box 94739Palatine, IL 60094-4739  ¿Cà ³mo verificar que se est inscrito en el Servicio Selectivo? Puede checarse en la pgina de internet Hacer click en Check Registration e introducir los datos personales.  ¿Cules son las consecuencias de no registrarse en el Servicio Selectivo? Prohibicià ³n de acceder a determinados trabajos federalesPà ©rdida de beneficios federalesNo se califica para becas del gobierno federalPuede ser causa para que se rechace una peticià ³n para hacerse ciudadano americano por naturalizacià ³nEn algunos estados supone la imposibilidad de obtener la licencia de manejar En casos extraordinarios, los muchachos que no se inscriben podrà an recibir una multa por un mximo de $250.000 y ser castigados a un mximo de cinco aà ±os en prisià ³n. Se calcula que el 92 por ciento de los varones entre las edades de 18 y 25 aà ±os sà que se registran para el Servicio Selectivo. Consejos prcticos sobre cà ³mo manejar el Servicio Selectivo Entre uno y tres meses despuà ©s de la registracià ³n se recibir una tarjeta que sirve de prueba de haber cumplido con esta obligacià ³n. Si no se recibe puede marcarse al 1-847-688-6888 para solicitar informacià ³n. Cabe destacar que si se produce algà ºn cambio en relacià ³n a la informacià ³n brindada, como por ejemplo un cambio de nombre o de domicilio, hay la obligacià ³n de reportarlo en los diez dà as siguientes a que se produzca. Puede hacerse marcando al telà ©fono seà ±alado en el prrafo anterior, en internet en la pgina del SSS o en una oficina de Correos. Informacià ³n interesante sobre migrantes y Ejà ©rcito Como regla general, los indocumentados no pueden alistarse en el Ejà ©rcito de los Estados Unidos, en ninguna de sus ramas. Para todos los latinos que sà pueden alistarse en el Ejà ©rcito y desean explorar esta opcià ³n como carrera, es conveniente tener en cuenta e informarse sobre los beneficios y los posibles incentivos que conlleva ingresar a cualquiera de las ramas del Ejà ©rcito. Este artà culo es meramente informativo. No es asesorà a legal.
Friday, November 22, 2019
9 Ways of Saying Down in Spanish
9 Ways of Saying Down in Spanish Down is one of those simple, everyday words that can be especially challenging to translate to Spanish. One reason is that it can function as five parts of speech: most commonly an adverb, but also as a preposition, verb, noun and adjective. But even within those categories, theres no consistent way of translating the word. In many cases, the best approach to take in translation is to reword the English and then translate that. For example, if you try translating a sentence such as Im down to only one dollar word-for-word, youll find yourself confused at best. Instead, try using the verb quedar, often used to indicate a remaining quantity. The idea is expressed with Me queda sà ³lo un dà ³lar, which literally means Only one dollar remains for me. Down as the Opposite of Up That said, in many contexts - such as when down means the opposite of up and indicates motion or direction - it is possible to use the adverb abajo, either by itself or in combination with other words, or the related verb bajar, which typically means to go down. This includes most cases where down is functioning as an adverb. Some examples: When I look down I feel dizzy. Cuando miro para abajo me mareo.The accident left him paralyzed from the neck down. El accidente lo dejà ³ paralizado desde el cuello para abajo.The Bilbao Market has gone down 22.72 points at midsession. La Bolsa de Bilbao ha bajado 22,72 puntos a media sesià ³n.Its essential that the roots grow downward in order to maximize the absorption of water. Es esencial que las raà ces crezcan hacia abajo para que maximizar su absorcià ³n de agua.Gravitational force pulls the satellite downward. La fuerza gravitatoria tira del satà ©lite hacia abajo.We have to get down from the train at the border. Tenemos que bajar del tren en la frontera.Everyone from the governor down is immersed in a web of corruption. Todos desde el gobernador para ajabo estn inmersos in una aurealoa de corrupcià ³n.Another possibility for adventurers is to camp down in the canyon. Otra posibilidad para los aventureros es acampar abajo en el caà ±Ãƒ ³n.The temperature went down fro m 30 degrees to 20 degrees. La temperatura se bajà ³ de 30 grados hasta 20 grados. I prefer to sleep face down. Prefiero dormir boca abajo. Down as an Adjective When down functions as a adjective in English, it often has a specialized meaning that depends on the context. Youll usually be best off recasting the English before translating: The wireless network is down today. La red inalmbrica no funciona hoy. (Literally, the wireless network isnt working today.)She knew he was down with the flu because she called him twice. Sabà a que à ©l estaba enfermo de influenza porque ella le llamà ³ dos veces. (Down here is being used as roughly synonymous with sick.)Were down 10 points. Estamos perdiendo por diez puntos. (Literally, were losing by 10 points.)Its a shame that he is always down on himself. Es lstima que à ©l se menosprecie a sà mismo. (The phrase to be down on someone is a colloquial way of indicating that someone devalues someone.)They have me down for 2 p.m. Tengo una cita para 2 de la tarde. (Literally, I have an appointment for 2 p.m.)The down payment normally is a percentage of the price of the house. El pago inicial normalmente es un porcentaje del precio de la casa. Down as a Particle Down is a part of many English phrasal verbs - verbs that are made up of a verb followed by down to form a phrase that has a meaning separate from the verb by itself. To translate, these two-word verbs must be learned separately just as any other vocabulary. Here are a few of many possible examples: My mother isnt going to back down so easily. Mi madre no va a recular tan fcil.The bar was shut down for not meeting safety requirements. El bar fue clausurado por no cumplir las medidas de seguridad.He bowed down before the statue. Se inclinà ³ ante la estatua.The Iowa woman burned down a friends house because she defriended her on Facebook. La mujer de Iowa incendià ³ la casa de una amiga porque la eliminà ³ del Facebook.The government is cracking down on illegal arms sales. El gobierno toma medidas enà ©rgicas contra la venta ilegal de armas.My cousin is unable to hold down a job. Mi prima no puede durar en un trabajo. (Literally, my cousin is unable to last in a job.)The mayor played down the murders. El alcalde no le dio tanta importancia a los asesinatos. (Literally, the mayor did not give much importance to the murders.) Down as a Noun The down of a bird is typically referred to as el plumà ³n, although a down pillow is referred to as una almohada de plumas. The down of a fruit is known as la pelusa. In football, a down is usually un down. Down as a Verb As a verb, down usually refers to shooting something down from the sky. A good verb to use is derribar. The Soviets downed the plane with a simple attack. Los sovià ©ticos derribaron el avià ³n con un simple ataque. Down Syndrome The congenital condition is known as el sà ndrome de Down, sometimes abbreviated as SD. (Sources: Sample sentences are adapted from a variety of sources written by native Spanish speakers. Among those consulted for this lesson are 20minutos; Twitter conversations; Biologà a y Geologà , Ciencias pra el uno Contemporneo; Visià ³n Santigueà ±a; Tatoeba; Namancambre Tours; Finanzas Prcticas; and
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Why should not the city of Houston issue a bond for 2 million dollar Essay
Why should not the city of Houston issue a bond for 2 million dollar - Essay Example dollar bond wherein investors can be bondholders so that they can pay the city coupons of interest from the two million dollars, making a profit for the city of Houston. To make a profit as an alternative source of capital is just one advantage of issuing bonds. Aside from that, bonds can be used as Leverage; the coupons that are usually paid every three, six, or twelve months are a flexible way to make payments easier by making less payments fit the situation. Also, there is an option to create a fixed interest rate that is unaffected by changes. Aside from being a benefit, there are also some risks and challenges when issuing bonds. Bonds are a form of debt. These debts are financial risks that leave the issuer (in this case, the city of Houston) payment obligations that are enforced by the law. They have to make these payments no matter what financial state they may be in. Compared to shares that may not be paid when it the issuer lacks money, these bonds can create financial problems for the issuer. There is also a refinancing risk wherein the issuer would need to get capital once bonds mature. This might be a problem if interest rates have been increasing, causing the issuer to possibly refinance at a higher rate. The large bullet payment of the principal at a bond’s maturity is a possibly large amount that may be difficult to pay if the principal payment is delayed. The administrative cost of handling the transactions can also be a burden, unlike a loan wherein the details are confidential; bond issuers have to d isclose some details to the public as requirements by the CMD and other regulatory authorities. Bonds are also treated and taxed as income to the shareholder. To keep the bond attractive to bondholders, the issuer has to compensate for the taxes. These are the reasons why Houston should not issue bonds. It is a risk and requires planning and manpower. The administrative cost has to be prepared before issuing the bonds; there has to be a failsafe
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Financial Analysis of Durango Manufacturing Company Research Paper
Financial Analysis of Durango Manufacturing Company - Research Paper Example Durango Manufacturing Company is a firm that deals in manufacturing of a variety of products and the supply of industrial products. The firm deals in aircraft manufacturing, apparel manufacturing, automotive manufacturing, chemical and allied products, glass manufacturing, home and garden supplies, industrial importers and exporters, paper and pulp, railroad manufacturing, and other forms of manufacturing. The organization has in the past received Best Business Bureau (BBA) accreditation, which recognized their relentless commitment to making strenuous efforts of satisfying consumer complaints. The award considers the period of time the business has been in operation, the amount of information available concerning the business, and most importantly, there should be no consumer complaint filed with the Better Business Bureau (Csaszar, 2012). Durango manufacturing company’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) does not have sufficient expertise in financial management and creating valu e for the firm’s various stakeholder groups. ... Corporate finance is crucial as it defines how organizations fund their activities and achieve their goals and objectives. Organizations are always faced with a dilemma between re-investing their excess revenues or using it to pay shareholder dividends. An ample financial literature is crucial as it enables chief executive officers to rationally appropriate the finances of an organization while maintaining high quality shareholder relations. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Durango manufacturing limited should seek financial training to enhance his financial literature. The firm is a large multinational firm with extensive financial implications. Also, the magnitude of its daily operations represents a relatively large financial risk that requires high-tech financial management expertise. Because of the complexity of the organization, the managing director should seek training in financial management or management accounting. Management accounting comprises the provision of finan cial information, as well as the financial advisor to a business (Brigham & Ehrhardt, 2013). Financial management starts with the management of financial information (Bhat, 2008). Financial information refers to data like credit card numbers, account balances, credit ratings, and other monetary details concerning an organization, which are used in implementing various activities like credit assessment, loan transactions and sundry. The chief executive officer should know how to process financial information to safeguard Durango Manufacturing Company profile from bad publicity associated with financial misappropriations.Â
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Student SSCP Domain Research Paper Essay Example for Free
Student SSCP Domain Research Paper Essay For Richman Investments the users are the biggest threats so I would give access keys in various levels and to various departments. With that being said I would set renewal of password anywhere from 28 days to 6 months apart depending on department and job in the company. Have basics such as firewall and full antivirus software as well as restricted upload and download abilities. Administrators could have the option of layering security by enforcing the use of PIN numbers, hardware tokens, client certificates and other forms of secure authentication on top of AD or LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol). After implementation of several security policies, I would create a SSL (Secure Socket Layer) VPN (Virtual Private Network) network, a form of VPN that can be used with a standard Web browser. In the traditional Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) VPN, an SSL VPN does not require the installation of specialized client software on the end users computer. Its used to give remote users with access to Web applications, client/server applications and internal network connections. SSL VPN doesn’t require specialized client software on the user computer. For site to site we would just use VPN to secure the network data and encrypt it for security measure. An SSL VPN offers versatility, ease of use and granular control for a range of users on a variety of computers, accessing resources from many locations. There are two major types of SSL VPNs. SSL Portal VPN is a type of SSL VPN allows for a single SSL connection to a Web site so the end user can securely access multiple network services. The site is called a portal because it is one door (a single page) that leads to many other resources. The remote user accesses the SSL VPN gateway using any modern Web browser, identifies the user to the gateway by using an authentication method supported by the gateway and is then presented with a Web page that acts as the portal to the other services.SSL Tunnel VPN is another type of SSL VPN that allows a Web browser to securely access multiple network services, including applications and protocols that are not Web-based, through a tunnel that is running under SSL. SSL tunnel VPNs require that the Web browser be able to handle active content, which allows them to provide functionality that is not accessible to SSL portal VPNs. Examples of active content include Java, JavaScript, Active X, or Flash applications.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Euthanasia Programs of Nazi Germany Essay -- ethics, t4 program, experi
On the first of September, 1939 World War II began. Hitler is in power of Nazi Germany and is wanting to cleanse the German people of racially unsound elements. He enacts a program that will aim to eliminate the so called â€Å"lives unworthy of life†called the T4 program (History Place). Over the next six years throughout Germany, many people are experimenting with and euthanized to help Nazi Germany reach a â€Å"pure†state. Was this program that was enacted ethical and what has happened since then to stop something like this from happening again? What kind of medical advances and data did we achieve from it and is it ethical today to use what they learned in today’s medical trials? The T4 program was not the beginning of Germany’s effort to reach a super race. Leading up to the war Hitler enacted the â€Å"Law for the Prevention of Progeny with Hereditary Diseases†in the year of 1933. The law called for the sterilization of anyone that had any hereditary illnesses. The list of hereditary illnesses included: â€Å"schizophrenia, epilepsy, senile disorders, therapy resistant paralysis and syphilitic diseases, retardation, encephalitis, Huntington’s chorea and other neurological conditions.†(History Place) This law was enforced by opening 200 genetic health courts that would analyze the medical records of individuals and decide if they were to be sterilized or not. The sterilization of people usually involved the use of drugs, x-rays, or uterine irritants. Dr. Horst Schumann did a lot of these experiments with sterilization at Auschwitz, where he would take a group of men/women and would expose them to x-rays. Most of his exper iments with x-rays were disappointing but he kept using this method. After he subjected his subjects to x... the expense of the brutally murdered test subjects. I have only highlighted a couple of experiments that they conducted that the data collected from these could be extremely helpful to the humankind. Instead of calling it all bad we can find some good that can be salvaged from the victim’s ashes. Works Cited Georgetown University "Chapter 5 the Nazi Eugenics Programs." Chapter 5 the Nazi Eugenics Programs. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Nov. 2013. "Nazi Medical Experimentation: The Ethics Of Using Medical Data From Nazi Experiments." The Ethics Of Using Medical Data From Nazi Experiments. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Dec. 2013. "T4 Program (Nazi Policy)." Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica, n.d. Web. 10 Dec. 2013. "The History Place - Holocaust Timeline: Nazi Euthanasia." The History Place - Holocaust Timeline: Nazi Euthanasia. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Nov. 2013.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Discrimination and Young People Essay
1.1 Explain what is meant by * diversity * equality * inclusion Diversity means difference. It means understanding that each individual is unique, and recognizing our individual differences such as race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, physical abilities and religious beliefs. Equality means treating everyone the same regardless of their individual differences. It is the discovery of these differences in a safe, positive, and nurturing environment. Everyone has an equal right to be treated with dignity and respect. No one should be denied opportunities because of their race or ethnicity, their disability, their gender or sexual orientation, their age or religion. Inclusion means including people in a way that makes them feel appreciated and respected. Treating individuals fairly and respecting the differences between them makes it easier to include them. 1.2 Describe the potential effects of discrimination Discrimination is treating someone or a group of people in a different way to everyone else based on their individual differences. It involves the behavior towards a child or children such as excluding or restricting children from activities that other children are participating in. Discrimination happens when we fail to respect individuals and their choices. Discrimination affects everybody in different ways: Low self-esteem, depression, withdrawn behaviour, shyness, tearful, fearful etc. When someone is discriminated against, it can exclude them from friends, family, neighbours, and society in general. A child’s self-worth is reduced, as they feel isolated, and alone. Children’s & Young People’s Workforce (2010 page 21) states that â€Å"When children experience prejudiced attitudes, there is a danger of damage to their self-esteem and self-confidence†. Discrimination can limit a child’s right to achieve their potential and objectives, their right to learn, their right to succeed. The most common forms of discrimination are racial remarks, being insulted and being the butt of hurtful jokes. Discrimination, racism and harassment may have significant mental and physical health consequences such as frustration, stress, anxiety and depression. Effects of discrimination physically and emotionally: Depression Anger Low self-esteem Isolation Loss of confidence Low self-worth Feeling stressed or unable to cope Fear of rejection The long-term effects could include: Loss of motivation Missed opportunities that may affect the child’s experiences and development Limited access to services Mental illness caused by stress 1.3 Explain how inclusive practice promotes equality and supports diversity Inclusive practice is about the attitudes, approaches and approaches taken to ensure that people are not excluded or isolated. It means supporting diversity by accepting and welcoming children’s differences, and promoting equality by ensuring equal opportunities for all children. Child care workers show inclusive practice by working in ways that recognise, respect, value and make the most of all aspects of diversity. Children’s & Young People’s Workforce (2010 page 25) states that another type of inclusive practice is to â€Å"offer children equality of opportunity to participate, develop and learn. This does not mean treating them all the same; we have to acknowledge their diversity and treat children as individuals, with equal concern†. Having a sound awareness of and responding sensitively to an individual’s diverse needs supports them in developing a sense of belonging, well-being and confidence in their identity and capabilities and it helps them to achieve their potential to take their place in society. In addition, inclusive practice involves having an understanding of the impact that discrimination, inequality and social exclusion can have on an individual’s physical and mental health. Having such an understanding ensures appropriate, personalised care and support, thereby enabling an individual to develop self-respect and maintain a valued role in society. Children’s & Young People’s Workforce (2010 page 20) states that â€Å"When children spend time in settings which promote diversity, equality of opportunity and inclusion, they are able to make progress in all areas of development†. Inclusive practice involves reflecting on and challenging one’s own prejudices, behaviours and work practices. It also involves challenging those of colleagues and other service providers with a view to changing ways of thinking and working and changing services to build on good practice and to better support diversity and promote equality. Bibliography Authors:Penny Tassoni, Kate Beith, Kath Bulman, Sue Griffin Year of publication:2010 Title:Children’s & Young People’s Workforce – Early Learning & Childcare Publisher:Heinemann
Saturday, November 9, 2019
A History of the World in Glasses
Tom Standard, various drinks are related to different time periods. Coca-Cola, a drink mentioned in the book, was related too later time period during the sass around the time of the Call war. The Civil War was a significant event as it led to a free economy in the united States as well as the development of a single market. The establishment of a single market and furthering of a free market economy in the United States allowed for the growth and success of the Coca-Cola Company.In 1767, Joseph Priestly produced artificially carbonated drinks. About a hundred years later John Pentameter was experimenting with carbonated water adding flavor to it, thus creating what we now call Coca-Cola. This invention would not have gone much further if it were not for some significant developments in the Unites States and around the globe. In 1865, the Call War ended leading to the creation of one of the largest market economies in the world. This benefited entrepreneurs and business owners as the re was a huge market which loud help their businesses succeed.Additionally, the United States was set-up as a free-market economy which furthered innovation and the pursuit of profitability and success. The first development led to the creation of an economic system while the latter led to the expansion of the economic system. The Coca-Cola Company took full advantage of the above developments and became an iconic brand recognized around the world. Coca-Cola was aided by the rise of Industrialization In the production of its products.They also created a unique and distinctive shape for the bottle in 1916 to create a desire for the product and better marketability. The company started using Santa Claus in their advertisement for similar reasons. While the product was marketed to adults Initially, the company started selling to children In 1986. All of these activities were geared towards taking advantage of the market Coca-Cola served. The united States economic system assisted Coca- Cola in pursuing growth and profitability. Coco-cola's success did not go unnoticed.Pepsi entered the arrest during the middle of the twentieth century selling products similar to Coca- Cola, flavored carbonated drinks. In the latter part of the twentieth century, seeking more profits and growth, the Coca-Cola Company entered foreign markets like Russia, China and India. While the US and India are capitalist societies, Russia and China are socialist. This led to interaction between different economic systems and trade and commerce between very distinctive cultures. All of these resulted In the Coca-Cola Company becoming one of the most recognized brands In the world.This would not have been possible without the United States being a capitalist society which encouraged and furthered the success of companies like Coca-Cola. The creation of a single market economy and the establishment of a free-market economy in the united States led to the success of the Coca-Cola Company and its nam e becoming an iconic brand in the world. Coca-Cola was able to pursue success, growth and 1 OFF success not only in the United States but across the world. This was possible because of the success the company first had in the United States.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
The Korean War Essays - Soviet UnionUnited States Relations
The Korean War Essays - Soviet UnionUnited States Relations The Korean War The Korean War was a war that at the time, many Americans thought was a worthwhile battle. Latter, people would come to believe that the war was not as important as they believed. The Soviet Union would fall and communism would not be a threat in worlds views. I share the belief that the battle was not as important as it was lead to believe. In the Korean War there were 50,000 Americans killed in attempts to stop the spread of communism. NSC 68 was Trumans policy for containing communism, which if he stuck to this policy we wouldnt have gone to war with North Korea, and China. I do not believe that it was worth the 50,000 lives of American forces. The only reason that we went to war with North Korea was that we got greedy, and couldnt stop at the 38th parallel. If Truman stopped and didnt try for rollback, there wouldnt have been a loss in American forces like there was. We had the North Koreans pushed back to the 38th parallel with ease, but we like the North Koreans, couldnt resist the temptation of an easy victory, resulting in total control of Korea. I believe that the main major reason that the American public supported the war was the fact that president McCarthy pushed the issue of anti-communism. At this time in American history the whole nation was fixated on communism and accusing others of being a communist. Today there is still a negative feeling towards communist, but it is not the same fear as it was back in the 70s. These are the reason why the American public supported the war. If this kind of propaganda were not there we wouldnt have supported the Korean War. For these reasons I do not believe that the 50,000 Americans that lost their lives fighting in the Korean was worth it. The main reason that I believe that the sacrifice of the fifty thousand American lives is because many of their lives could have been saved if we did not break NSC 68 by trying to go for rollback. Even though South Korea would eventually become a democracy and a very technologically advanced country, it could have happened that way if we never went to war. Bibliography none
Monday, November 4, 2019
REFLECTIVE COMMENTRY- Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
REFLECTIVE COMMENTRY- - Essay Example According to him, while traveling through the predominantly Asian locality to cover for his Asian colleague, he was threatened by one of the Asian males standing on the pavement along with two others shouted â€Å"You White Bastard! Come over here and we’ll give you a good kicking†. Fearing immediate violence, the mail worker left the place and reached his office. The statement was recorded by the Police Officials and case was registered under section 4 of Public Order Act (Amended by Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994). As per the act, the law states that according to section 42; it is an offense to use threatening, abusive or insulting words or behavior to someone else in the following cases; make them believe that violence will used against them, which is the case with Royal mail worker, provoke the immediate use of violence; when that person is likely to believe that violence will be provoked, when it actually is violence will be provoked. (Carl Haacke, 1997:99) The section 4 also further states that it is an offence if any person distributes or displays to another person any writing, sign or other visible representation which is threatening, abusive or insulting intending to intimate that person believe that immediate unlawful violence will erupt in the place against him.3 (Paul Clayden, 2006:19) The enquiry was conducted on the basis of the complaint, but in vain. The local residents of the Asian area either did not understand English or were unwilling to cooperate with Police personnel. The area unfortunately didn’t even have the surveillance of CCTV to capture the incident. And one of the main complications in such cases is the implication the shift towards an emphasis on taking responsibility for harms is the reform of disciplinary procedures and increasing interest. It is the utmost duty and responsibility of the Police
Saturday, November 2, 2019
The fourth of july Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The fourth of july - Essay Example The day started out with me waking up to the explosion of a few fireworks and I remembered how I promised A to go with her for the Independence Day celebration events. My cousins had stayed over the previous day, and once I was done with my morning routine and headed downstairs, I saw the whole kitchen bustling with excited young energy. The radio was blaring with Fourth of July related theme songs in the kitchen, whereas in the living room the television showed news regarding the various events of the day. I was not surprised to find A making merry with the elders of my family and I began to realize how much close she had become with us. â€Å"Good morning, sleepyhead,†she happily shrieked, to which I replied â€Å"A very good morning to you too miss cheeky-full-of-energy.†My cousins and I got ready soon and once I was done with breakfast, we left, but only after A reminded the elders that if they were lucky, they could spot us on television on channel ‘WETA TV 26.’ The plan was to spend the day in Washington, DC, attending all the events held there and getting home only after, as A ordered, we had the real taste of Fourth of July. â€Å"Hurry up, or we’re going to miss the train people!†she exclaimed, and I frantically ushered my four cousins into the metro. I could swear I have never seen the station so overcrowded before, not to mention the train itself. What I could notice from the tiny gap between my cousins was the happy faces of people who were in the train. This particular train population consisted of people dressed up in different styles related to the nation’s flag, and belonging to different age groups, as well as those who were unique in their own ethnicity, race and culture. I was amazed at how the train stood testimony to the growing multiculturalism in the North American mainstream (Kottak and Kozaitis). We were headed to the National Mall, and upon observing the people that surrounded us, I could gather th at they had the same
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